Monday, April 20, 2015

EdBytes Cafe at the TREE from 3:30-5:00
April 21
May 19 

We have two EdBytes Cafe days left in the school year.  Join us for easy, no stress conversations about anything ed tech.  Want to learn a new tool?  Have technical questions?  Something to share with other educators?  Bring your questions, ideas, advice, and let's learn together.  We have ipads and chromebooks available to use, or bring your own.  Drinks and treats on us!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Upcoming GCOE Events

We're busy and excited planning for upcoming edtech events.  Be sure to check email, GCOE Ed. Services Professional Development webpage, and feel free to contact me with any

Upcoming Events:

EdBytes Cafe:  April 21 and May 19, 3:30-4:30 At the TREE
Join us for an hour after school for informal, no-agenda, coffee shop style collaboration.  We'll have open conversations about using technology in your instruction.  Open to everyone from seasoned ed-techy teachers willing to share what you know, to newbies hoping to learn a trick or two.  FREE!

CUE Logo.png

CUE rock Star Teacher Camp Chico:  June 15-17, 2015, Pleasant Valley HS, Chico

Can you believe this event SOLD OUT in January?  Clearly, folks in the North State are hungry for quality, ed tech professional development.  Can't wait to see our Glenn County friends there, and I'm hopeful to bump into colleagues from other counties, too.  If you're not attending, I'll be sure to share the highlights here on this blog!

North State Summit Featuring Google Apps for Education:  Sept. 19 & 20, Chico Country Day School:
Before you get out for summer, I encourage you to register for the first ever North State Summit featuring Google for Education.  This is an amazing event (I went to one earlier this year) that draws people from all over the world!  We are so lucky to be hosting one locally.Talk to your administrator and leverage the fact that for a mere $275 (early bird special), you'll be bombarded with the most practical, hands-on training that you could ever ask for--and the district won't have to pay for travel on top of registration.  This truly is a great opportunity.  For more info. and to register, visit the official North State Summit website---