Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Professional Development at the TREE

Did you know that the TREE offers FREE (to contracting schools) TechTools sessions?  Google Apps, free web resources to support CCSS, fun with the green screen, and more!  Click here to take a peek at what we have to offer.  Be sure to register.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Busy Busy

Well, after the North State Google Summit 9/19-9/20 and GCOE's C2tC day on 9/21, I've found a moment to begin digesting all.  Have you?  My guess is, if you're a classroom teacher, probably not. The presentations were filled with so many great ideas, tips, tricks, "ah-ha's" and "huh?s".  If you were at the Google Summit or weren't able to attend, I recommend you visit the session resources. Most of the presenters have linked their presentations here.  I just spent some time revisiting Lisa Highfill's session on Hyper Doc's.  I can really see using this with teachers for trainings and hopefully inspire them to use them with students!  What do you want to further explore?  Have you implemented anything you've learned at either the Summit or C2tC?